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Pedi & Mane recently opened at 1246 Canyon Creek Drive. They specialize in esthetics and hair services.
The Walmart Neighborhood market has a development going in between the store on 2550 E and Highway 6. So far we know that:
IceBurg Drive in are all going to be in that development. Jiffy Lube and Golden West Credit Union are also rumored to be coming as well. As soon as I can confirm it, I will post about it.
Shopko has been clearing out the inside of the store to house some temporary storage.
R&R BBQ had planned to open in January but has run into a few slow downs. They now plan on opening in April. Stay tuned for more information including a grand opening celebration.
Hobby Lobby is scheduled to have their grand opening mid-February. Look for announcements and more information in the coming weeks. Hobby Lobby is located between Lowe’s and Super Walmart at 1304 N Canyon Creek Drive.
Adventure Heights All Ability Park, the Spanish Oaks Reservoir, and the mountain bike trails are closed for the season until February 28, 2021.
Spanish Fork City will pick up Christmas Trees until January 22nd. Trees must be free of decorations and be at the curb after you submit your request through the city. Visit the city’s website for more info.